Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Food Diary 2

I have another blog that is mostly food. I usually include photos of the food, the how-to, etc. I am including a link to this blog in case you would like to see more food related posts.

I like to cook nutritious food but like to do it without long, drawn-out instructions and standing over something all day. I do have medical issues that play a part in this. I just don't feel good a lot of days.

I post My Food Diary to help encourage other people with medical issues, elderly, work all day and don't have the time to cook all day, or who are single and find they just don't want to cook for one. 

Please bookmark the blog, if you find it helpful. Well, while you are at it, bookmark this blog, too. LOL  I add some food post to this blog but also include "opinion" blogs here.

Thanks for taking time to read my blog. Feel free to share it, too.

Here is the link to My Food Blog on Tumbler
I am posting more about the election. I know many of my friends prefer one candidate and the rest of my friends prefer the other. This is as it should be. I do not hate either candidate and most of my posts are strictly related to an issue, an ad, a certain action that I either have questions about or I have an opinion. As in sports, each team (candidate) will have fans and followers. That's the way it should be.

I don't mind reading the good or the bad about either candidate--so long as it is true. So, I hope I do not offend people but I strongly believe in our right to think and share opinions. I do feel strongly about some things. I do not expect to convince every single person to my way of thinking--as in religion--everyone is pretty much convinced about the way they believe. I just like to share. Perhaps one or two of my posts will be something you have not heard, thought about, or something.

No, I am not sorry I post or feel a certain way--but that's what choice is--looking at the facts, being honest about it, and voting for someone best for the country, state, city, county/parish, or whatever. Blessings to all my friends--no matter your choice.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Romney and O'Bama: Elderly, SS, Healthcare, Etc.

I'm just like anyone else when it comes to politics--when the truth is told--I have my special interests. I am concerned with America as a whole but I also have some special interests. I post in the various social sites and blog sometimes about the elderly, disabled, and other such topics.

I am very concerned about the elderly during this election. I realize each president inherited things from previous administrations and all that.  However, what are either of our present candidates going to do for or against the elderly and will it work????   

The elderly or those fast becoming a senior citizen were promised certain things, all through the years, promised that they could depend on staking their older years by planning a certain way.  Well, it seems all that changed. All seniors that worked through the years did not become millionaires nor did they all spend foolishly.  Yes, they "might" get a $3 or $5 raise (Whoopee) that is quickly taken to pay for their Medicare (or insurance which is a lot more than the raise).  Well, that was expensive enough. In addition, drugs that elderly need--I'm talking blood pressure meds, etc. and not mess--the deductible is so high that it's never reached and the plan D costs more to end up paying less or nothing. Then, all along, grocery, gas, phones, and everything else goes up cause they've got to make it, too.  Well, I hope someone knows the elderly need to make it, too.  I think you get the picture. 

I don't know where the "selected" polls are taken and how numbers are reached but I do know the AVERAGE senior citizen is sinking. They were not living high-on-the-hog to begin with but did manage to support themselves. This is a harsh reality.  They were not asking for handouts, they did not sit around and never work in their life, they were "managing" what they had.  And by the way---if the truth were known--even very, very wealthy people (of all parties)  really like to get things at a bargain or even a freebie or two--that's if the truth be told.

I'm posting the link to both candidates that discusses elderly affairs. You can look for yourself to see what they say and then what they do--while they are telling you why their plan didn't work--now or in the future. I'm just not very comfortable with believing anyone anymore.

I am not promoting either candidate in this blog. I do try to listen to both, be informed, and make a decision. I do not agree 100% with either candidate.  I am not putting-down either candidate. I am not anti-government. I am American and I am glad to be an American.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Lunch

My Food Diary Sept. 3, 2012 My Labor Day healthy meal.

Not bar-b-que, but:

Easy and delicious! Baked fish, baked potatoes, green beans, and strawberries.  Tonight I may have a Frozen Yogurt coke float though.  LOL (Do I notice some changes in the way this blog works?????) 


Saturday, September 1, 2012


I am an advocate for several things, one of which is the elderly. We do have an aging population, "baby boomers".  Of course everyone won't have dementia but there will be an increased focus on postponing dementia. I believe there is a market for computer games that are not all geared towards speed or having to have internet access to play. 

I'm sure almost all of the games are created by young people--who can't possibly see through elderly eyes. The reflexes slow down, the hands become more clumsy, the glaring, blaring, action packed, rush and hurry games are just too much for some seniors to play. Yes, games should have a challenge, rewards, etc. But, for many elderly it's too much, too fast, too impossible to feel they've gotten anywhere. This leaves them dreading to play instead of looking forward to playing a game. The sad part is, the really need to do this and it's very difficult to find suitable games in the stores. 

Please consider researching some of the ways the elderly, who are healthy or already in stages of dementia, can have games to play on a computer without having to go online. (When you do your research you might find a lot of elderly people can not cope with the hassle of getting online but do mange to use their computer without internet).  Also, remember that not all elderly can afford internet every month but can buy a game now and then.

Tuna Salad and Fiesta Rice, with Zucchini Squash

My Food Diary, kept by choice for medical reasons-shared to help others

Wanted something "lite" today. Decided on tuna salad in bed of lettuce, surrounded by tomato pieces. I had leftover Fiesta rice and zucchini squash. I think this is just what I needed, too. Delicious. So easy and  fast to prepare. Healthy, too. 

If you or someone you know is tired or unable to do long, drawn-out, complicated meals--some of my blogs on food might serve to help you with ideas. Elderly people or people with medical problems sometimes do not "want" to cook or even eat since complicated cooking is not an incentive to even try. 

Thanks for reading my blog. *My choice of foods and/or cooking preparations may not be suitable for everyone. Sept 1, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

My Thoughts on Clint Eastwood speech at RNC

First of all, I do not vote "party". I listen to what everyone says and watch what they do or have done. Then, I vote for a candidate that best represents what I believe--as we should do--in my opinion.

I think the unique approach that Clint Eastwood used at the RNC was effective. Many people need laughter these days and he provided that. We need issues that are important brought out and to me he provided that. You didn't really expect him to "glorify" the democrats at the RNC, now did you. I'm sure the democrats won't "glorify" the republicans at their convention either.

I think Clint Eastwood could have "seated" almost any politician in the chair and made almost the same speech, especially some parts of it. That's just a part of "politics", like it or not. It can be downright ugly. I don't like negative campaigns by any candidates but it's not going to be compliments to the opposition, etc. Clint Eastwood managed to bring humor to what is inevitable in a political campaign. I have to give him credit for that. 

I am proud to be an American. I am glad we have the freedom to choose. I am glad all candidates have the chance to be heard.  I am glad we can vote and I don't mind providing ID when I do.

Thanks for viewing my blog. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Some Thoughts During Isaac

It's funny the things we "don't like" to do (LOL) during normal, everyday life become so desirable when it can't be done.

Evacuees dream of just getting back home, to a safe place, with normal routine. Those that managed to stay in their home but lost electricity, water, or phones can "dream" of all the chores and calls they could be doing if things were normal. 

Yes, we all take so much for granted.  When restored,  we are very aware and thankful--at least for a while. I suppose it's just human nature.

I do hope everyone can resume a normal life soon. I'm sorry for the loss and real, long-term problems many will endure after Isaac is completely over. 

Please remember to check on your neighbors, elderly, friends, who may not be as fortunate as you. Everyone involved may be pretty miserable but knowing someone cares can mean a lot.  And--who knows, they actually may be pretty desperate for help in one way or another.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Just Saying: Busy As You Want To Be

Just Saying: Busy As You Want To Be: "I'm busy"--LOL Seriously, I believe this cliché is exactly that--overused, when convenient, especially. Yes, people are busy and there are ...

Busy As You Want To Be

"I'm busy"--LOL Seriously, I believe this cliché is exactly that--overused, when convenient, especially. Yes, people are busy and there are more "time-saving" inventions that help save time to fill up with being busier.

Yes, sometimes we need to say no, we need to actually rest. However, we also need to be honest with our selves and perhaps do an inner inventory of when and why we automatically say, "I'm busy". 

 Do you really think other people are so stupid that they do not know that what you are actually saying is, "I'm busy, by choice, on what I want to do, when I want to do it, with whom I want to do it, and that is not you." 

 The reason this bothers me so much is that the elderly or sick people are not demanding something that's unrealistic.  (of course their true needs are determined by their circumstances--some need more help than others)--and would appreciate visits, phone calls, to be heard, etc.. All too often, all they hear is, "I'm busy." and that is not a short-term answer. I think this is a disgrace.

*I am an advocate for elderly concerns. I helped various people along the way and noticed how family and friends  interacted with the elderly or the sick person at home, in a hospital, or in a nursing home. I am not specifically talking about one or two cases--I noticed this with people I was not specifically connected with, too. I also, to be better informed, researched this problem. Yes, we are all entitled to life, to work, to have friends, etc.--but--I am very concerned with the lack of compassion or empathy--by the very people that "expected" things from the very people they now neglect (sometimes very proudly, I must say)


Thursday, August 23, 2012

On The Lighter Side: No Excuses! Simple Things Bring Joy.

Left: My coffee mug
Right: My new water mug
No more excuses. The mug I used for drinking water was ok except I could take a couple of drinks and I was out of water. LOL When I'm busy I don't always want to have to run refill the mug. I found this wonderful 52 ounce mug and bought it.(No mistake, I did say fifty-two ounce)  It's a whopper but dog-gone it, but keeping the mug supplied with water should be no problem now. 

Yes, it's insulated for hot or cold drinks and I may eventually use it for hot drinks, especially in the Winter.  However, my primary purpose for this is to make sure I drink water which is so good for our health.

I certainly am enjoying my new mug. LOL Funny how the simple things can bring much joy. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

How Does Postal Service Default Affect Consumers?


According to this article (see link below) it doesn't affect consumers, yet.  We can only hope this remains true.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fish, Stuffed Bell Pepper, Tomato, Strawberries, and Cucumbers

My Food Diary July 21, 2012
I try to eat healthy. I am eating healthier than I did. I try different variations of ingredients and/or method of cooking, to add interest and encourage myself to eat.  Conventional methods of cooking will work for anything I prepare but I prefer the easy, simple, quick, and nutritious recipes, as well as appliances that I find accomplish this.

 I baked everything in a Nuwave oven. I started with frozen fish, added raw bell pepper (stuffed with rice, celery, onion, and tomato). I also added a couple of strawberries to the same baking dish and half of a tomato. I baked 10 minutes, turned or at least moved all things on the baking pan. Added sliced onion and baked all another 5-10 minutes. When done, arranged all on a plate and added a few slices of cucumber. Photo below shows baking pan--before baking is started. Yes, it's all baked in one pan at the same time.

*I do not imply that my methods or choices of food are acceptable for everyone. I do know I cook more nutritious things for myself now and that it's very uncomplicated to do.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stuffed Bellpepper, Baked Tomato, Chicken, and Lettuce Salad

My Food Diary July 19, 2012
Above photo shows tomato after skin removed 
Cooked rice in rice cooker while the bell pepper and other items were cooking in the Nuwave. 
I baked the bell pepper and  frozen chicken breast for 10 minutes in NuWave Oven. After 10 minutes, I turned everything over. I added the rice to bell pepper, whole tomato, and onions and baked 10 minutes. Add seasoning of your choice.
Below: Photo of baked tomato with the skin. Easily came off after baking. See top photo of tomato with skin removed.
I added lettuce and sliced cucumber to plate.
* I eat healthier than I did before but I do not claim my diet is suitable for everyone nor my methods of cooking. I like healthy, simple, fast, and easy cooking.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cool Fruit Salad, Hot Day!

My Food Diary July 12, 2012
Apricots, pears, strawberries, blueberries, and yes, a little lettuce in in the bottom! LOL I did add low fat, bought dressing for this salad. I sprinkled with seasoning--but--no salt. EASY, HEALTHY, QUICK! DELICIOUS! 
I post my food diary for medical reasons. It's easy to go back and see what I really did eat. I share my blogs hoping I might help someone else that might like ideas of easy, quick, simple cooking.

*I eat healthier than I did. My ways of cooking or choice of ingredients may not be suitable for everyone.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cool Tuna Salad and Fresh Tomatoes

My Food Diary July 10, 2012
Simple tuna salad, on a bed of lettuce, with grated cheese. Sliced fresh tomatoes and 
a fresh strawberry, for good measure. So simple, quick, and nutritious.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bread Pudding and Lemon Sauce

My Food Diary July 09, 2012
I wanted some bread pudding for a dessert but with at least some nutrition. I did this bread pudding in the slow cooker. Made Lemon Sauce as a topping. Delicious!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fresh Veggie Meal with Chicken

My Food Diary July 5, 2012
Fresh field peas and some of the okra were cooked in a slow cooker. I added some mixed, chopped onion and bell pepper, and a few new potatoes, too. I started the slow cooker first since this takes longer than the Nuwave Oven cooking. I don't think the Nuwave will cook stuff usually done on the stove top.

 Now for Nuwave ingredients: The chicken was frozen. I placed it on a pan with okra, bell pepper, new potatoes, onion, and a few slices banana pepper. I baked the chicken and veggies on lower rack of Nuwave Oven for 10 minutes, turned oven all of it and then added the onions and bell peppers. Baked an additional 10 minutes.

Cornbread: Mixed cornbread and placed in muffin tin that makes 6 muffins. I baked in toaster oven for about 15 minutes and then in Nuwave Oven, lower rack for 10 minutes. The reason I used toaster oven to start with is that the bread needed to bake a bit and set the top since the NuWave seems to blow the air and this often leads to uneven tops when baking. 

Just saying. LOL Below are photos of food in the Nuwave and of the peas in the slow cooker.

Left: Veggies and chicken breast in pan ready to bake in Nuwave.

Below: Field Peas, okra, potatoes,  and other items in slow cooker.
Add sliced tomatoes and/or other veggies you may have and serve.

* My method of cooking or ingredients may not be suitable for everyone. I'm eating healthier than I did.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Cool Sandwich and Fruit Salad

My Food Diary June 29, 2012

I baked (yes, baked) the chicken hot dogs yesterday,
This link will have photo of cooking the hot dogs with a chicken breast. I wanted something
really light today, easy, and very quickly done.  It's just too hot to do much!  LOL I used croissants
instead of regular bread.  Added the lettuce, tomato, and hot dog. Quickly cut up the fruit and a few dabs of broccoli. 
Use fruit you have on hand. I happened to have kiwi, strawberries, bananas, and mandarin oranges. I 
also added a bit of  low fat Thousand Island Dressing.

*My methods of cooking or food choices may not be suitable for everyone. I'm trying to do simple, fast, easy, and healthy cooking. I'm eating healthier than I did before.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lunch In A Bowl

My Food Diary June 28, 2012
Baked chicken, veggies, fruit, and crackers.
Baked chicken and chicken hot dogs (hot dogs for tomorrow) in
 NuWave Oven for 20 minutes. (Turn over after 10 minutes). 
While meat is cooking, tear washed lettuce leaves, prepare washed
veggies and fruit according to your preference--sliced, etc. Add pieces of
baked chicken breast. Toss salad
and add salad dressing, if you desire.

I added no salt nor oil. I baked meat in a Nuwave Oven (all meat was frozen
when I started cooking them).  I did not use the hot dogs in this
salad.  I cooked them today to conserve energy and won't have to
do anything tomorrow but heat in microwave for about 30 seconds.

Thanks for reading my blog!

*My food diary helps me keep up with what I actually eat. My method of cooking or ingredients may not be suitable for everyone.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

NuWave Baked Fish and Veggies

My Food Diary June 27, 2010

Baked fish and veggies served with lettuce, tomato, and cucumber salad.

 Baked fish and veggies in Nuwave Oven. Baked 10 minutes (fish was frozen), turned everything over and baked 10 minutes more.  I did an experiment with the okra.  Actually, the okra was too big before it was harvested and was not tender to start with.  However, I thought at least I could get a little experience by trying it.  It did not work. Needed be be younger okra and sliced.  I've done that before and it worked.  Oh well, trial and error! LOL

Monday, June 25, 2012

Baked Whole Fish and Veggies


Started with frozen fish, baked with veggies (without oil, margarine, or salt) in NuWave Oven (Rapid Air would be the same timing, etc). Turn all over after 10 minutes and bake 10 minutes more. Of course you would need to check that fish flakes and that veggies are tender.


*I am not implying my meals are on everyone's diet or best way to cook plan.  LOL  However, I find it healthy, quick, and easy.  Especially nice for a couple, a single person, elderly, or those that prefer fast, easy, and healthy cooking.

My Food Diary, kept by personal choice, for medical reasons. June 25, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Beef Tamales, Black Beans, Corn, Peaches, and Crackers

Losing business??? This might be why!!!!

 Does your business mean something to you???? Listen up--This might help YOU and the customer!

BRAVO! Nothing like trying to communicate with someone on the phone that "ignores" your request  for them to speak slower, etc. OR give you someone that will. BUSINESS owners: If your business means anything to you--provide someone that can communicate under these circumstances. Rude people from  your company just might affect your business! Read this blog for more!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Salad Meal for a Summer Day!

June 21, 2012 Quick, Easy, Healthy for a hot day!  I used canned chicken for the chicken salad. I didn't add too many things to the chicken salad as I usually do since the veggie salad contains a lot of healthy things.  The veggie salad contains several veggies and the recipe makes enough to count on leftovers for a couple of meals. Good for family cooking and I know it would be a good, easy, meal for senior citizens. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Baked Chicken, Marinated Veggie Salad, Carrots, and Croissants

June 18, 2012  My Food Diary

Sorry about the extra "i" in marinated!

*I keep personal food diary, my choice.

 I prefer easy, fast, and healthy! My diet may not be suitable for everyone.

True Green way before it was "fashionable"!

This isn’t about food but I think it’s worth posting.  June 17, 2012

Old-Time common sense that worked! Worked before “green” and would work now!
An email I got. I don’t know who wrote it but it does point out some things for the younger generation and those harping about the “green” living to think about.

» Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the older
» woman, that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags
» weren’t good for the environment.
» The woman apologized and explained, “We didn’t have this green thing back
» in my earlier days.”
» The young clerk responded, “That’s our problem today.
» Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future
» generations.”
» She was right — our generation didn’t have the green thing in its day.
» Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the
» store.
» The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and
» refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over.
» So they really were recycled.
» But we didn’t have the green thing back in our day.
» Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags, that we reused
» for numerous things,
» most memorable besides household garbage bags, was the use of brown
» paper bags as book covers for our schoolbooks.
» This was to ensure that public property, (the books provided for our use
» by the school) was not defaced by our scribblings.
» Then we were able to personalize our books on the brown paper bags.
» But too bad we didn’t do the green thing back then.
» We walked up stairs, because we didn’t have an escalator in every store
» and office building.
» We walked to the grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower
» machine every time we had to go two blocks.
» But she was right. We didn’t have the green thing in our day.
» Back then, we washed the baby’s diapers because we didn’t have the
» throwaway kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy-gobbling
» machine burning up 220 volts — wind and solar power really did dry
» our clothes back in our early days.
» Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters,
» not always brand-new clothing.
» But that young lady is right; we didn’t have the green thing back in our
» day.
» Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house — not a TV in every
» room.
» And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember
» them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana.
» In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn’t have
» electric machines to do everything for us.
» When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up
» old newspapers to cushion it,
» not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.
» Back then, we didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the
» lawn.
» We used a push mower that ran on human power.
» We exercised by working so we didn’t need to go to a health club to run
» on treadmills that operate on electricity.
» But she’s right; we didn’t have the green thing back then.
» We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a
» plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water.
» We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen,
» and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the
» whole razor just because the blade got dull.
» But we didn’t have the green thing back then.
» Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes
» to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour
» taxi service.
» We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to
» power a dozen appliances.
» And we didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from
» satellites
» 23,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest burger joint.
» But isn’t it sad that the current generation laments how wasteful we old
» folks were just because we didn’t have the green thing back then?
» Please forward this on to another selfish old person who needs a lesson
» in conservation from a smart ass young person…
» We don’t like being old in the first place, so it doesn’t take much to
» tick us off.

*I got this in email. I did not write this.  I don’t know who did.

Plug Your Ears For A Day!

Challenge! See how it really is!

Challenge: PLUG your ears for a day!

Please accept the challenge to place earplugs in your ears for one day.  During that day, remove all closed captioning and volume to your television or videos that you watch.  I especially want the Media, Networks, Movie industry, local news media, weather reporters, politicians,  and video makers to do this.  This way, you can "walk in the shoes of a deaf or hard-of-hearing person" and see how well you hear the things being said.  Just because a person does not hear well or at all doesn't mean they are stupid or that they don't deserve to "hear" via closed captioning. 

I know some television stations close caption the news but do not close caption weather (even emergency warnings), or interviews. The hearing person can hear it and the blind can usually hear it.  The deaf or hard-of-hearing can not!
I realize expense, time, and other things discourage the motivation to invest in closed captioning.  However, the deaf and hard-of-hearing person usually wears hearing aids, tries to read lips, actively listens but it is usually impossible to hear without the closed captioning.  I think you will better understand where I am coming from if you will accept my challenge. Walk in their shoes for a day, please. (and don't cheat) 

Thank you for your time reading this and I especially thank you if you do something about this problem!

Let's Ban Everything!

Ban Alcohol, Sugar, Cigarettes, Cars, Pets, Medicine, Food, ETC.!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sports and Politics

I don't resent everyone that doesn't support my choice in sports or politics. 

I'm an avid LSU and New Orleans Saints fan. I REALLY want them to win, every time!   It wouldn't be much to the game if there were no opposition and no fans for the opposing side. 

As far as I'm concerned, politics is the same.  I support the candidate of my choice, VERY STRONGLY, but with respect to the other side. I don't expect every single soul to see everything as I do.  

I like to see the candidates be free to express themselves, even if I don't agree with every word out of their mouth.  At least I get to listen, check the facts, and make a choice. Thank God,  I do have a choice.  Just saying! Thanks for your taking the time to read my blog about this.