Sunday, December 22, 2013

4 Fruit Oatmeal with Whole Wheat Toast

Yep, 4 fruits packed into this nutritious oatmeal! LOL You just can't see all of them! :)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chicken & Rice Soup with Veggies


Saltine Crackers

I've been "COLD" today! I do that--feel really, really cold even when it's not bitter cold out. I did some Chicken & Rice soup with veggies. It tasted good and did help me feel warmer for a while. I made sure I'd have enough for leftovers! I just love soup and gumbo.

To save time today, this soup was made with canned products. Baked the chicken and added part of it to the soup.  Oh Boy! I will have some leftovers.

*I realize my choice of foods or cooking methods may not be suitable for everyone. If you just don't feel like cooking--sometimes a posts like this sparks an interest or hope that it is possible to prepare a meal------ easy, fast, and healthy meals. Thank you for reading my blog.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Late Night French Toast

Late night French Toast!
One night, not long ago, I wasn't sleeping all that well. I think I was hungry and that was part of the reason I couldn't sleep that night (after a 14 hr. fast for blood tests). I avoid late evening/night meals, usually. 

For French Toast;
1 egg combined with milk (or you can use water), beaten
2 slices wheat bread
Heat skillet on top of stove, with a small amount of olive oil. Dip bread in egg/milk mixture to cover entire piece of bread. Place in skillet. Repeat with other piece of bread.
Pan-fry both sides until brown (low to moderate heat). 
Remove to plate, add syrup, a small sprinkle of powdered sugar. I used Karo syrup and also sliced a strawberry or two to add on top.
I certainly don't want to crave this too often or late at night but it's a real treat sometimes!

Thank you for reading my blog. 

*I realize my method of cooking or choice of food is not for everyone. I share on this blog just in case someone else likes to cook easy, simple, but basically healthy food.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sneaky broccoli, mixed veggies, and tuna

Sneaky Veggies! Sometimes, I almost have to even fool myself. LOL I try to encourage myself to "play around" with food and therefore eat healthier. 

I cooked the rice and frozen veggies together in a rice cooker. I chopped usual onions, etc. to add to tuna. I also chopped a little bit of fresh broccoli to sneak in a little more nutrition.

Thank you for viewing my blog.

*I realize my choice of food or method of preparation may not be suitable for everyone. I do this blog for medical purposes, my choice.  I share my quick, easy tips to encourage people that do not feel like cooking all day but needs to eat healthy.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Microwave baked fish and potatoes, with sliced tomato

Microwave baked fish and potatoes, with sliced tomato. 
As you know, I am all about easy, fast cooking. I am not able to stand in the kitchen stirring things all day. Nothing against those that are interested in gourmet cooking, the longer route around.
I simply placed:
1 piece of fish in glass container 
1 or 2 white or red potatoes, cut in pieces and placed in same container as fish
Added some chopped some green onion and sweet, green pepper, and black pepper
 Topped the glass container with saran wrap (punch a few holes in saran wrap with a fork)
Bake in microwave for about 9 minutes
Test to see that fish flakes easily
Slice tomato, add pepper and other spices of your choice, and serve.
One thing I like about this is that it is not messy, using a lot of containers, and it is quick, easy, healthy (for me), and delicious.
Thank you for viewing my blog and please feel free to share.
I do this blog to keep a diary of things I do prepare, my choice--for medical reasons and to share ideas with other people that may prefer simply, easy, and fast meals. 
*I realize my cooking methods and/or choice of food may not be suitable for everyone
Follow me on Twitter @lilme2day

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hot Dogs and Veggies Quickie Meal

Hot Dog Lunch--with veggies! Microwave cooking!
 Easy as pie, quick, and tastes great.
15 minutes from start to finish--includes the 9 minutes cooking time, too. Oh, and the hot dogs were frozen!

I used:
1 package Hebrew National beef hot dogs (frozen)
2 medium potatoes, cubed, quartered, or pieces LOL as you like
1/2 medium onion, sliced
1 1/2 quart glass casserole dish
Piece of saran wrap to cover casserole during cooking

Place hot dogs, cubed potatoes, and onion in casserole. Sprinkle with pepper and/or seasonings of your choice. Cover with saran wrap, punch about 6 places with a fork in the saran wrap (for venelation), and place in microwave.

Turn on Microwave (I did full power) for 5 minutes. Check after 5 minutes (check to see if tender) and continue cooking for about 4 more minutes. I allowed this casserole to sit for about 5 more minutes after cooking. Be careful when removing saran wrap for any steam, which will be hot. 

Serve on plate with sliced tomato and/or any veggies you desire.

*I do this food diary for medical purposes, my choice. I share online to encourage other people that may not feel like cooking all day and like quick, easy, healthy cooking. I realize my choices of food and/or preparation methods may not be suitable for everyone.

Thanks for stopping by to view my food blog post. Feel free to share my link.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Tutti Frutti Salad

Almost dessert! Enjoying my first taste of watermelon this year. I cut watermelon, peaches, and pineapple into bite sized chunks. I used canned peaches and canned pineapple. Delicious and Nutritious! :)
*My choice of food or preparation may not be suitable for everyone.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Squash Surprise in Salmon Croquettes

I wanted a very light lunch today. Light is better than no lunch at all, right? :) 
I sometimes crave salmon.  I figure my body needs it and salmon is one of the recommended foods for good, healthy nutrition. 

Today, I decided to add a little extra nutrition. I added raw, chopped, yellow squash, onion, and a small amount of flour to a can of drained salmon. I did not add egg to this.

I then, coated with a mixture of home-made crumbs, pan fried on top of stove with only a very small amount of spray olive oil. Great taste, easy, nutritious and a great, light meal. I ate with baked beans with no additions except ground black pepper and a shake or two of seasoning flakes. Added no salt to anything. More photos below of the process. 

Oh, next time, I'm adding MORE squash. Loved it and it worked great!

Chop onion and squash in a food 
processor. Add to bowl with a can of salmon. Add just enough flour to make patties hold shape. Mix well. I did not add egg.

Form patties, coat both sides with crumbs. Pan fry, stove-top with very small amount of spay olive oil.

A can of salmon will usually make up to 6 croquettes.
 Serve with your choice of food. I used baked beans for a light, filling meal.

*I keep this food diary for medical purposes, my choice. I share to give ideas to people that do not like complicated meals that take all day in the kitchen and also with budget in mind. Just saying. :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


BUSINESS, PERSONAL, or WHATEVER---YOU need to read this!

Just want everyone to know: All that HIGHFALUTIN, fast talking, you do can not be understood by a hard-of-hearing person.

If you leave a message on a hard-of-hearing person's answering machine--using that HIGHFALUTIN, fast talking----you just may as well not call. Don't know who it is, what you want, or where to call back. So, if you never hear back--it's your own fault.

Oh, I'll leave comment with definition of HIGHFALUTIN in a comment. So proper, so fast, so unnatural, so ill-mannered, so unbusinesslike, so useless--who cares if no one can understand you--but you sound so modern, right??? 

LINK to Merriam-Webster and QUOTE from there below.

QUOTED FROM Merriam-Webster: '' :

1 pretentious, fancy
: expressed in or marked by the use of high-flown bombastic language : pompous
See highfalutin defined for English-language learners »
See highfalutin defined for kids »

high·fa·lu·tin also hi·fa·lu·tin

a highfalutin way of talking
<his highfalutin paean to the working class failed to win over a crowd that wanted to hear down-to-earth proposals for economic relief>"

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Nutrition On A Plate

Oh, wow! This was good. I had leftover spinach, carrots, rice, and turkey so all I added were the boiled egg, cantaloupe, and strawberries. Leftovers don't have to be unpleasant. Frankly, I didn't want to do a lot of 'cooking' today and this worked out great. 

I placed the leftovers on a plate, warmed in microwave for a couple of minutes, added slices of an egg I boiled, cut the cantaloupe and strawberries into bite size pieces, added to plate of re-heated food. Added seasonings but no salt. Rather easy meal and nutritious. (Better than some meals I've had in my life) 

*I realize my methods of cooking and/or food choices may not be suitable for everyone. I find doing a blog post about my food helps me be aware of what I really do eat and might inspire someone that just don't feel like cooking or eating. I don't fool with all those long, drawn-out recipes. 

Thank you for reading my blog posts.

06012013 My Food Diary

Follow me on Twitter @lilme2day

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

In A Perfect World

In a perfect world there would be no need for military. However, we don't live in a perfect world. I am writing this post to thank our military (Memorial Day) for their service in the past, present, and future. I don't like fighting, nor wish for fighting, but my words below should convey why I appreciate the fact that we do have a military.

On the smaller scale, I was thinking of the conflict even within many households--within the family structure, the conflict in the neighborhoods and the many disputes we hear of among neighbors, the conflict even in the various religious, even in individual churches (congregation/pastor-deacon-congregation/headquarters, and more.

Conflict among various religions/other denominations/belief  (because they differ in some ways and those that may not be religious at all. So, they fuss and fight.

Then, we have the conflicts among worker and workers/employee and bosses/home office/district office/main office. Of course we can't leave out the conflict among politicians, within the party and certainly with 'other party'.

When we consider if all those smaller units, most of them fuss and fight--well, we just know--conflict and fighting is going to happen on the larger scale, too. Among countries as it always has, does, and will. We are dealing with humans. I think even the cave men fussed and fought and banged each other with their clubs.

Every country has a military. When you think of it realistically with human nature, I think they always will have a military. And for good reason.

Oh, well--just my thoughts. Reminds me of King Solomon saying--there is nothing new under the sun and more or less whatever has been will be, is, and will be again. My opinion, just saying.

Below is the book I found Solomon's words. If you are not religious you might consider this as observation by a great philosopher. 

Ecclesiastes  1:9-11

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
11 There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.

Thank you for taking time to read my blog post.  

Friday, May 24, 2013

Easy Spaghetti, Chicken, Spinach, and Strawberries

Slow cooker spaghetti, sliced baked chicken, spinach, and fresh strawberries. No added oils, butter, salt, sugar, etc. Colorful, healthy (compared to some meals), fast, and easy. I save all that fancy stuff for days I feel absolutely wonderful (lol) or for a treat when I eat out! :)

Slow cooker spaghetti does not take long to cook at all. I added water and spaghetti, turned to high, checked it frequently, and added a can of tomato soup and spices (not salt). It was just more convenient to do it this way today. Another good thing about slow cooker spaghetti is that it can be placed on warm for a while, if you need to do that (wait for some reason).

Today I used leftover baked chicken. canned spinach (low sodium), and fresh strawberries.
Thank you for reading my blog. 

*I keep this food diary as a reference, for myself. I share the blog to offer encouragement to people that may not (feel like) want to cook (or eat) due to medical problems.  Sometimes we don't feel up to long, drawn out cooking or we just need an idea to try. I realize my choice of food or method of preparation are not suitable for everyone.