Monday, July 30, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fish, Stuffed Bell Pepper, Tomato, Strawberries, and Cucumbers

My Food Diary July 21, 2012
I try to eat healthy. I am eating healthier than I did. I try different variations of ingredients and/or method of cooking, to add interest and encourage myself to eat.  Conventional methods of cooking will work for anything I prepare but I prefer the easy, simple, quick, and nutritious recipes, as well as appliances that I find accomplish this.

 I baked everything in a Nuwave oven. I started with frozen fish, added raw bell pepper (stuffed with rice, celery, onion, and tomato). I also added a couple of strawberries to the same baking dish and half of a tomato. I baked 10 minutes, turned or at least moved all things on the baking pan. Added sliced onion and baked all another 5-10 minutes. When done, arranged all on a plate and added a few slices of cucumber. Photo below shows baking pan--before baking is started. Yes, it's all baked in one pan at the same time.

*I do not imply that my methods or choices of food are acceptable for everyone. I do know I cook more nutritious things for myself now and that it's very uncomplicated to do.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stuffed Bellpepper, Baked Tomato, Chicken, and Lettuce Salad

My Food Diary July 19, 2012
Above photo shows tomato after skin removed 
Cooked rice in rice cooker while the bell pepper and other items were cooking in the Nuwave. 
I baked the bell pepper and  frozen chicken breast for 10 minutes in NuWave Oven. After 10 minutes, I turned everything over. I added the rice to bell pepper, whole tomato, and onions and baked 10 minutes. Add seasoning of your choice.
Below: Photo of baked tomato with the skin. Easily came off after baking. See top photo of tomato with skin removed.
I added lettuce and sliced cucumber to plate.
* I eat healthier than I did before but I do not claim my diet is suitable for everyone nor my methods of cooking. I like healthy, simple, fast, and easy cooking.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cool Fruit Salad, Hot Day!

My Food Diary July 12, 2012
Apricots, pears, strawberries, blueberries, and yes, a little lettuce in in the bottom! LOL I did add low fat, bought dressing for this salad. I sprinkled with seasoning--but--no salt. EASY, HEALTHY, QUICK! DELICIOUS! 
I post my food diary for medical reasons. It's easy to go back and see what I really did eat. I share my blogs hoping I might help someone else that might like ideas of easy, quick, simple cooking.

*I eat healthier than I did. My ways of cooking or choice of ingredients may not be suitable for everyone.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cool Tuna Salad and Fresh Tomatoes

My Food Diary July 10, 2012
Simple tuna salad, on a bed of lettuce, with grated cheese. Sliced fresh tomatoes and 
a fresh strawberry, for good measure. So simple, quick, and nutritious.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bread Pudding and Lemon Sauce

My Food Diary July 09, 2012
I wanted some bread pudding for a dessert but with at least some nutrition. I did this bread pudding in the slow cooker. Made Lemon Sauce as a topping. Delicious!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fresh Veggie Meal with Chicken

My Food Diary July 5, 2012
Fresh field peas and some of the okra were cooked in a slow cooker. I added some mixed, chopped onion and bell pepper, and a few new potatoes, too. I started the slow cooker first since this takes longer than the Nuwave Oven cooking. I don't think the Nuwave will cook stuff usually done on the stove top.

 Now for Nuwave ingredients: The chicken was frozen. I placed it on a pan with okra, bell pepper, new potatoes, onion, and a few slices banana pepper. I baked the chicken and veggies on lower rack of Nuwave Oven for 10 minutes, turned oven all of it and then added the onions and bell peppers. Baked an additional 10 minutes.

Cornbread: Mixed cornbread and placed in muffin tin that makes 6 muffins. I baked in toaster oven for about 15 minutes and then in Nuwave Oven, lower rack for 10 minutes. The reason I used toaster oven to start with is that the bread needed to bake a bit and set the top since the NuWave seems to blow the air and this often leads to uneven tops when baking. 

Just saying. LOL Below are photos of food in the Nuwave and of the peas in the slow cooker.

Left: Veggies and chicken breast in pan ready to bake in Nuwave.

Below: Field Peas, okra, potatoes,  and other items in slow cooker.
Add sliced tomatoes and/or other veggies you may have and serve.

* My method of cooking or ingredients may not be suitable for everyone. I'm eating healthier than I did.