Friday, September 7, 2012

Romney and O'Bama: Elderly, SS, Healthcare, Etc.

I'm just like anyone else when it comes to politics--when the truth is told--I have my special interests. I am concerned with America as a whole but I also have some special interests. I post in the various social sites and blog sometimes about the elderly, disabled, and other such topics.

I am very concerned about the elderly during this election. I realize each president inherited things from previous administrations and all that.  However, what are either of our present candidates going to do for or against the elderly and will it work????   

The elderly or those fast becoming a senior citizen were promised certain things, all through the years, promised that they could depend on staking their older years by planning a certain way.  Well, it seems all that changed. All seniors that worked through the years did not become millionaires nor did they all spend foolishly.  Yes, they "might" get a $3 or $5 raise (Whoopee) that is quickly taken to pay for their Medicare (or insurance which is a lot more than the raise).  Well, that was expensive enough. In addition, drugs that elderly need--I'm talking blood pressure meds, etc. and not mess--the deductible is so high that it's never reached and the plan D costs more to end up paying less or nothing. Then, all along, grocery, gas, phones, and everything else goes up cause they've got to make it, too.  Well, I hope someone knows the elderly need to make it, too.  I think you get the picture. 

I don't know where the "selected" polls are taken and how numbers are reached but I do know the AVERAGE senior citizen is sinking. They were not living high-on-the-hog to begin with but did manage to support themselves. This is a harsh reality.  They were not asking for handouts, they did not sit around and never work in their life, they were "managing" what they had.  And by the way---if the truth were known--even very, very wealthy people (of all parties)  really like to get things at a bargain or even a freebie or two--that's if the truth be told.

I'm posting the link to both candidates that discusses elderly affairs. You can look for yourself to see what they say and then what they do--while they are telling you why their plan didn't work--now or in the future. I'm just not very comfortable with believing anyone anymore.

I am not promoting either candidate in this blog. I do try to listen to both, be informed, and make a decision. I do not agree 100% with either candidate.  I am not putting-down either candidate. I am not anti-government. I am American and I am glad to be an American.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Lunch

My Food Diary Sept. 3, 2012 My Labor Day healthy meal.

Not bar-b-que, but:

Easy and delicious! Baked fish, baked potatoes, green beans, and strawberries.  Tonight I may have a Frozen Yogurt coke float though.  LOL (Do I notice some changes in the way this blog works?????) 


Saturday, September 1, 2012


I am an advocate for several things, one of which is the elderly. We do have an aging population, "baby boomers".  Of course everyone won't have dementia but there will be an increased focus on postponing dementia. I believe there is a market for computer games that are not all geared towards speed or having to have internet access to play. 

I'm sure almost all of the games are created by young people--who can't possibly see through elderly eyes. The reflexes slow down, the hands become more clumsy, the glaring, blaring, action packed, rush and hurry games are just too much for some seniors to play. Yes, games should have a challenge, rewards, etc. But, for many elderly it's too much, too fast, too impossible to feel they've gotten anywhere. This leaves them dreading to play instead of looking forward to playing a game. The sad part is, the really need to do this and it's very difficult to find suitable games in the stores. 

Please consider researching some of the ways the elderly, who are healthy or already in stages of dementia, can have games to play on a computer without having to go online. (When you do your research you might find a lot of elderly people can not cope with the hassle of getting online but do mange to use their computer without internet).  Also, remember that not all elderly can afford internet every month but can buy a game now and then.

Tuna Salad and Fiesta Rice, with Zucchini Squash

My Food Diary, kept by choice for medical reasons-shared to help others

Wanted something "lite" today. Decided on tuna salad in bed of lettuce, surrounded by tomato pieces. I had leftover Fiesta rice and zucchini squash. I think this is just what I needed, too. Delicious. So easy and  fast to prepare. Healthy, too. 

If you or someone you know is tired or unable to do long, drawn-out, complicated meals--some of my blogs on food might serve to help you with ideas. Elderly people or people with medical problems sometimes do not "want" to cook or even eat since complicated cooking is not an incentive to even try. 

Thanks for reading my blog. *My choice of foods and/or cooking preparations may not be suitable for everyone. Sept 1, 2012