Friday, August 31, 2012

My Thoughts on Clint Eastwood speech at RNC

First of all, I do not vote "party". I listen to what everyone says and watch what they do or have done. Then, I vote for a candidate that best represents what I believe--as we should do--in my opinion.

I think the unique approach that Clint Eastwood used at the RNC was effective. Many people need laughter these days and he provided that. We need issues that are important brought out and to me he provided that. You didn't really expect him to "glorify" the democrats at the RNC, now did you. I'm sure the democrats won't "glorify" the republicans at their convention either.

I think Clint Eastwood could have "seated" almost any politician in the chair and made almost the same speech, especially some parts of it. That's just a part of "politics", like it or not. It can be downright ugly. I don't like negative campaigns by any candidates but it's not going to be compliments to the opposition, etc. Clint Eastwood managed to bring humor to what is inevitable in a political campaign. I have to give him credit for that. 

I am proud to be an American. I am glad we have the freedom to choose. I am glad all candidates have the chance to be heard.  I am glad we can vote and I don't mind providing ID when I do.

Thanks for viewing my blog. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Some Thoughts During Isaac

It's funny the things we "don't like" to do (LOL) during normal, everyday life become so desirable when it can't be done.

Evacuees dream of just getting back home, to a safe place, with normal routine. Those that managed to stay in their home but lost electricity, water, or phones can "dream" of all the chores and calls they could be doing if things were normal. 

Yes, we all take so much for granted.  When restored,  we are very aware and thankful--at least for a while. I suppose it's just human nature.

I do hope everyone can resume a normal life soon. I'm sorry for the loss and real, long-term problems many will endure after Isaac is completely over. 

Please remember to check on your neighbors, elderly, friends, who may not be as fortunate as you. Everyone involved may be pretty miserable but knowing someone cares can mean a lot.  And--who knows, they actually may be pretty desperate for help in one way or another.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Just Saying: Busy As You Want To Be

Just Saying: Busy As You Want To Be: "I'm busy"--LOL Seriously, I believe this cliché is exactly that--overused, when convenient, especially. Yes, people are busy and there are ...

Busy As You Want To Be

"I'm busy"--LOL Seriously, I believe this cliché is exactly that--overused, when convenient, especially. Yes, people are busy and there are more "time-saving" inventions that help save time to fill up with being busier.

Yes, sometimes we need to say no, we need to actually rest. However, we also need to be honest with our selves and perhaps do an inner inventory of when and why we automatically say, "I'm busy". 

 Do you really think other people are so stupid that they do not know that what you are actually saying is, "I'm busy, by choice, on what I want to do, when I want to do it, with whom I want to do it, and that is not you." 

 The reason this bothers me so much is that the elderly or sick people are not demanding something that's unrealistic.  (of course their true needs are determined by their circumstances--some need more help than others)--and would appreciate visits, phone calls, to be heard, etc.. All too often, all they hear is, "I'm busy." and that is not a short-term answer. I think this is a disgrace.

*I am an advocate for elderly concerns. I helped various people along the way and noticed how family and friends  interacted with the elderly or the sick person at home, in a hospital, or in a nursing home. I am not specifically talking about one or two cases--I noticed this with people I was not specifically connected with, too. I also, to be better informed, researched this problem. Yes, we are all entitled to life, to work, to have friends, etc.--but--I am very concerned with the lack of compassion or empathy--by the very people that "expected" things from the very people they now neglect (sometimes very proudly, I must say)


Thursday, August 23, 2012

On The Lighter Side: No Excuses! Simple Things Bring Joy.

Left: My coffee mug
Right: My new water mug
No more excuses. The mug I used for drinking water was ok except I could take a couple of drinks and I was out of water. LOL When I'm busy I don't always want to have to run refill the mug. I found this wonderful 52 ounce mug and bought it.(No mistake, I did say fifty-two ounce)  It's a whopper but dog-gone it, but keeping the mug supplied with water should be no problem now. 

Yes, it's insulated for hot or cold drinks and I may eventually use it for hot drinks, especially in the Winter.  However, my primary purpose for this is to make sure I drink water which is so good for our health.

I certainly am enjoying my new mug. LOL Funny how the simple things can bring much joy. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

How Does Postal Service Default Affect Consumers?


According to this article (see link below) it doesn't affect consumers, yet.  We can only hope this remains true.